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Small Space Images offers Professional Event Photography services, covering a broad spectrum of occasions, from award ceremonies to product launches. We cater to a wide range of clients, from local start-ups to multi-million-pound businesses, delivering a seamless, hassle-free experience with a commitment to fast turnaround times and transparent pricing.
Event Photography rates start at £130, with tailored quotes available to meet your unique requirements. All quotes are fully inclusive, with no hidden extras. You’ll receive all captured images, along with full image usage licenses, with no cap on the number of images provided.
Public Liability Insurance up to £5 million, with the option to extend if required.
Additional services, including a fully insured professional photobooth, are also available upon request.
You can find case studies and more details about my work in
Looking to elevate your marketing or website with this style of imagery? Contact me today to discuss how I can help bring your vision to life – Contact Me

    Small Space Images is a proud member of The Society of International Commercial and Industrial Photographers (SICIP), a long-established professional photographers’ association based in the UK, serving photographers worldwide. SICIP is one of the UK’s leading qualifying bodies for professionals in the Commercial and Industrial photography sector.

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